More young people in state youth homes will be offered a coordinated individual plan (SIP) in spring 2023.
Edwoak Consulting has received an extended assignment with Uppdrag psykisk hälsa (UPH), the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR) and is very proud and honored to have been entrusted, in collaboration with the Swedish National Board of Institutional Care (SiS), to project manage this important work.
The assignment is a continuation of the preliminary study that Edwoak Consulting conducted for UPH, SKR during the summer and autumn of 2022. The client was then Ing-Marie Wieselgren, whose life was tragically taken from her, in Almedalen in July 2022.
-At our last meeting Ing-Marie said: "We should give general support, give more to the children who need it. Give everything to the children who are at risk!" It feels extremely important, from several perspectives, to continue working on this goal together with SiS, who are the ones who support and care for our most vulnerable children and young people, says our consultant Jessica Ek, who has been given the extended assignment.
-"We are not creating new working methods in the project. We are sharpening the routines and working methods we already have. Improve and strengthen the cooperation between the actors that are important for children and young people at SiS to have the conditions to change their path in life. It is together that we will succeed! Jessica continues
"No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Together we can do everything!"
Read more about the project:
SIP in SiS youth care | Uppdrag Psykisk Hälsa (